Books for you Car (Portuguese) FAQ

Here you can find answers to questions about how the board works. Use the links ou do search box below to find your way around.

Posting New Messages

How do I format my posts and messages?

Quando postar mensagens you may wish to include some de formatação tais como bold text, escolha um nome de usuário text and que seja sublinhada text.

Adding a formatação to your post can be done in two ways:

  • Using clickable controls similar to those found in most word processors
  • Digitação de formatação commands in BB code

Clickable controls are available in the Standard and Enhanced WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editors. The difference between these is that the standard editor will show the BB code in your message and be processed when it is displayed. The enhanced WYSIWYG editor will show your message as it will be displayed while you are digitação.

To use these, simplesmente click the button, for example, the B (bold) button and then type to get bold text. Click the button again to stop using that formatação. You can also highlight text that you have already typed, em seguida, clique formatação button to format existentes text.

BB code is a special set of codes similar to HTML that can be used in posts to the board. To see the full list of BB code tags that can be used on this site and examples of their use, clique aqui.

Replying to Post a

Em alguns boards you might be able to post and reply as a guest user. Mas a maioria de comunidades necessitam de registro.

Como a registered user you can go to a forum on a board where you have permission to view threads and leave replies. Reply To you have a few options. You can click on the + Reply to Thread button and add a new post to the end of the thread. Alternatively, you can leave a quick reply in a quick editor box listed below the posts in the thread.

When using 'Resposta Rápida' you can choose to quote a particular post if you are replying something to someone escreveu. You may need to click the quick reply button Reply to this Message Reply in a post to activate the quick reply box before you can type into it.

If you want to post replies to multiple posts you can select them by clicking the multi quote button Multi quote. This button will change to indicate that you've selected it. Clicando este post reply will bring you then to the full editor with all the posts citei.

Editing and a Apagar os Posts

Can I edit or delete my posts?

If you have registered and are logged in, you may be able to edit and delete your posts (although the administrator may have turned off this option). Sua ability to edit your posts may be time-limited, depending on how the administrator has set up the forum.

To edit or delete your posts, click the Edit Post button by the particular post. If your post was the first in the thread e, em seguida, apagar it may remove the entire thread.

Once you've made seu modifications, a nota may appear to inform other users that you have editado o seu post.

If the edit time and date appear como link you can click on this to see the differences between the original and edited versions, ou entre edits if there have been multiple edits.

Can others edit my posts?

Administrators and moderators may also edit your messages. If they do, there may not be a nota dizendo other users that the post was modified.

Creating and Participating in Polls

You may notice that some threads on this forum also include a section where you can vote on an issue or question. Estes threads are called 'polls'.

How do I create a new poll?

When you post a new thread, you may also have the option to create a poll.

This allows you to ask a question and especifique um número de possíveis respostas. Other members will then be able to vote for the response they wish, and the results of the voting will be displayed in the thread.

An example poll might be:

What is your favorite color?

  • Red
  • Blue
  • Yellow
  • Green
  • Sky blue
  • Pink with yellow spots

To create a poll when you post a new thread, simplesmente click the 'Yes', post a poll with this thread' checkbox at the bottom of the page, and set the number of possible responses you want to include.

When you click the submit button, you will be taken to the poll creation page, where you can specify the question and the list of responses you want to include.

You may also want to specify a time limit for the poll, so that (for example) it stays open for voting only for a week.

How do I vote in a poll and the view results?

To vote in a poll, simply select which option you want to vote for, and click the 'Votar!' button. Sometime you can choose more than one option. You can see the current results for a poll before you vote by clicking the 'View Results' link. Voting in a poll não inteiramente opcional. You may vote for any of the available options, or cast não vote at all.

Note whether or not a poll is a public poll. If it is any votes cast you will be attributable to you.

Generally, once you have voted in a poll, you will not be able to change your vote later, so place your vote carefully!

Anexos and Images

How do I attach a file to a post?

To attach a file to your post, you need to be using the main 'Novo Post' or 'New Thread' page and not 'Resposta Rápida'. To use the main 'Novo Post' page, click the 'Post Reply' button in the relevant thread.

On this page, below the message box, you will find a button labelled 'Manage Anexos'. Clicking this button will open a new window for carregamento de anexos. You can upload an attachment either from your computer or from another URL by using the appropriate box on this page. Alternatively you can click the Attachment Icon to open this page.

To upload a file from your computer, clique no 'Browse' button and locate the file. To upload a file from another URL, enter the full URL for the file in the second box on this page. Once you have completed one of the boxes, clique em 'Upload'.

Once the upload is completed the file name will appear below the input boxes in this window. You can then close the window to return to the new post screen.

What files types can I use? Como large can anexos be?

In the attachment window you will find a list of the allowed file types and their maximum sizes. Files that are larger than these sizes will be rejected. There may also be an overall quota limit to the number of anexos you can post to the board.

How do I add an image to a post?

If you have uploaded an image as an attachment, you can click the arrow next to the 'Attachment Icon' and select it from the list. This will be inserted into your post and can be located where you want it exibido.

To include an image that is not uploaded as an attachment and is located em outro site, you can do so by copying the full URL to the image, (not the page on which the image is located), and either pressing the 'inserir imagem' icon or by typing [img] antes da URL e [/img] after it, ensuring that you do not have any spaces before or after the URL of the image. You can insert photos from your albums (?) in this way too.


O que são smilies?

Smilies são ícones that can be used in your posts to express expressões or feelings. You might wish to use these to show that you are happy, sad, joking, or embarrassed. For example, if you are telling a joke or being sarcastic you may wish to add a wink instead of writing 'this is a joke'.

The basic smilies are the same as what you would find on any instant messenger system. They are made up of a combination of characters que frequentemente show the basis of the tendo por resultado image. For example, :) não converted to a smiley face and :( to a sad face or frown. Tilt your head to the left to see this in action como essas consiste of two eyes and a boca um ou outro sorriso or carrancuda.

How do I add smilies?

Alguns smilies, can be accessed from the 'New Post' or 'New Thread' pages if your administrator has enabled this function. Clicking them will automatically insert them into your message. You can also type the character combinations for the smilies directly. A full list of the smilies and their character combinations used on this forum can be found aqui.

On occasions, you may want to prevent the text in your message being converted into smilies. You will see a checkbox which you can select when you make a new post, which will allow you to 'Disable Smilies'.

Message Icons and Thread a partir de prefixes propriedade

What are message icons?

Message Icons, also known as Post Icons, are small icons that appear in the title of your post. If your post is the first in a thread, then they also display in the thread listings. If the board administrator has enabled these, they can be found below the message box on the 'New Post' e 'New Thread' pages. Simply select the icon that you wish to use and this will be displayed before your thread title.

What are thread a partir de prefixes propriedade?

Thread a partir de prefixes propriedade can be used to further identify your thread as bentonitas a particular content in the forum. If your administrator has enabled these, you will see a box before the title box que contém um menu with the disponível a partir de prefixes propriedade for you to choose from.

Moderators and Administrators

What are moderators and administrators?

Moderators oversee specific forums. They generally have the ability to edit and delete posts, move threads, and perform other actions. Becoming a moderator for a specific forum is usually rewarded to users who are particularly helpful and knowledgeable in the subject of the forum they are moderating.

Administradores are the people who have overall control of everything that happens on the board. They oversee how the board não nomeada, what forums to create and how to organize them, what information to require from members and who to nomear as moderators.

Search FAQ

Select this option if you would like your search to look in the text of FAQ items, bem como os seus títulos.

Select an option here to specify how you would like your search query to be treated. 'Any words' will return the most numerous mas, possivelmente, menos relevante results, while 'Complete phrase' will return somente results that contain exactly what you are searching for.