Chevrolet Niva 1.7 2009 - guide to repair and maintenance.

Catalog documentation on repair and obsluzhivaniyu car Chevrolet Niva 1.7.


1. The user manual (Niva 1.7 11_2009, Niva 1.8 FAM1 08_2006)

2. Repair manual (12_2009)

3. Guidance on repair and diagnostics the ECM of 1.7 (all versions from 2004 to 2009 )

4. A collection of trudoemkost works (12_2009)

5. Mounting the electrical circuit (3_2009)

6. The basic electric circuit (3_2009)

7. Catalogue of special tools and fixtures (11_2009)

8. Pre-sale preparation

9. Guidance on APS-6 (2_2008)