Repair manual car VAZ-2108 in the garage conditions with the available tools. Contains a large number of color photographs, drawings, detailed descriptions, and instructions for removing, installing and repair of the hinged equipment and systems engine, repair suspension, steering, braking system, electrical equipment.

The book of the unique series of `Guidance` prepared `Publishing House Third Rome`, which consists of four illustrated books for operation, maintenance and repair of the car VAZ-2108. Book `Average repair of VAZ-2108` contains more than 1000 photographs and drawings are prepared taking into account the specifics of the garage repair: all operations are performed using available tools and accessories. The book gives instructions on removal, installation, and maintenance of attachments and the engine, repair suspension, steering, braking system, electrical equipment. The publication is intended for a wide circle of readers, primarily for novice drivers The creation of the book was attended by engineers and mechanics with over 20 years of experience related to the construction, maintenance and repair of the car.