Repair manual, operation and maintenance of KrAZ-256Б1, KrAZ-257Б1 and KrAZ-258Б1.
This guide consists of the following parts:
technical description KrAZ
- the user manual for KrAZ
- instructions to technical maintenance of KrAZ.

In the first part of the book - the technical description presents the main technical characteristics of KrAZ-256 and its modifications described basic principles and methods settings and adjustments of nodes / units.
Instruction manual for KrAZ-256 contains important information that is necessary for the reliable operation of these vehicles.
In the third part of the manual contains instructions for maintenance of KrAZ-256 is described the procedure for carrying out the routine maintenance of KrAZ, which will ensure continued serviceability and reliability of the vehicle.
On the KrAZ 256 the engine is set, the announcement-238.