Renault Kangoo 1997 - manual repair, maintenance and operation of the vehicle.
The book contains General information about the device the car Renault Kangoo 1997 release, tips on maintenance, comprehensive description of possible faults of the motor, box, suspension, steering and brake systems. Detailed attention is paid to electronic engine control systems. Technical the tips given in this manual helps to carry out maintenance and to make repairs as at stations prophylaxis, and their own.

Petrol engines:
D7F 710 1.2 l 44 kW (60 HP)
D7F 720 1.2 l 44 kW (60 HP)
D7F 722 1.2 l 44 kW (60 HP)
634 E7J 1.4 l 55 kW (75 HP)
E7J 635 1.4 l 55 kW (75 HP)
780 E7J 1.4 l 55 kW (75 HP)

Diesel engines:
630 F8Q 1.9 l 47 kW (65 HP)
632 F8Q 1.9 l 47 kW (65 HP)
662 F8Q 1.9 l 40 kW (55 HP)

Publisher: Avtomaster