The guide contains General information about the device and recommendations for operation, maintenance (o & m) and repair of the car FIAT Albea.
In the manual You will find all the information about the car with petrol engine capacity 1.4 8V. With the help of this guide You will be able to plan and perform maintenance and repair of the car on its own.
The guide contains manufacturer's recommended intervals and volumes of works on maintenance of the car.

Petrol engines:
188А4000 1.2 l/44 kW (60 HP)
188А5000 1.2 l/59 kW (80 HP)
350А1000 1.4 l /57 kW (77л.with.)
182В6000 1.6 l/76 kW (105 HP]

Diesel engines:
188А9000 1.3 l/51 kW (70 HP)