Honda StepWGN & Honda S-MX (2WD & 4WD) 1996-2001 - manual repair, maintenance and operation of the vehicle.
The guide provides step-by-step procedures for operation, repair and maintenance of front-wheel and all-wheel drive right-hand drive Honda StepWGN and Honda S-MX 1996-2001 release equipped gasoline engine В20В (2.0 l).
The book contains a user manual, detailed information on maintenance car, repair and adjustment of control system components gasoline engines, automatic transmissions, instructions for using the self-diagnostic system engine control, automatic transmission and ABS, recommendations for adjustment and repair of automatic transmissions, brake components (including ABS), steering, suspension and DPS system (system connection full drive). Considered in detail procedures for inspection, adjustment and maintenance automatic transmission and ABS (antilock braking system). Provides detailed wiring diagrams and descriptions of the audits of electrical models of different equipment versions. Lists the possible malfunctions and methods of their elimination, mating dimensions of the main parts and limits of their allowable wear, recommended lubricants and working fluids.
The book is intended for car owners, the staff of service stations and repair shops.

Genre: Technical literature
Publisher: Legion Avtodata