VAZ 21099 - a multimedia guide to repair and maintenance.
The user manual, maintenance and repair of the car VAZ 21099гг. Hundreds of illustrations show controls and individual milestones. Sections devoted to quick and simple Troubleshooting help in Troubleshooting. The electrical diagrams will help you quickly detect faults in the electrical system and facilitate the installation of additional equipment. Here you will find information on repair: engine; power systems; the exhaust system; gases; clutch; the gearbox; suspensions; steering control; brakes; wheels and tires; body; electrical equipment as well as recommendations for maintenance and diagnosis of electronic control systems. The diagnostic codes. A separate section is intended for acquaintance of the owner of the car with its controls and operating methods. The guide describes in detail the features of operation, design and basic modification VAZ 21099. Recommendations for maintenance and repair. Much attention is paid to car care, the selection of tools, acquisition of spare parts. Typical malfunctions, their causes and methods of elimination. On the basis of information contained in the guide, the car owner can perform a repair of various complexity, without recourse to the service center and body shop. The guide is intended for employees of service stations and owners of car VAZ 21099. Repair manual contains technical drawings and diagrams vases, and tables of basic parameters and characteristics of the car VAZ-21099. Also presents color schemes of an electric equipment of VAZ.